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Mastering tcpdump: The Complete Cheat Sheet and Guide

tcpdump Cheat Sheet

Installation Commands
Install tcpdump on different Linux distributions:
sudo yum install tcpdump (CENT OS and REDHAT)
dnf install tcpdump (Fedora)
apt-get install tcpdump (Ubuntu, Debian and Linux Mint)

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Packet Capturing Options
Switch Syntax Description Example
-i any Capture from all interfaces tcpdump -i any
-i eth0 Capture from specific interface (Ex Eth0) tcpdump -i eth0
-c 10 Capture first 10 packets and exit tcpdump -c 10
-D Show available interfaces tcpdump -D
-A Print in ASCII tcpdump -A
-w To save capture to a file tcpdump -w capture.pcap
-r Read and analyze saved capture file tcpdump -r capture.pcap
-n Do not resolve host names tcpdump -n
-nn Stop domain name translation and lookups tcpdump -nn
tcp Capture TCP packets only tcpdump tcp
port Capture traffic from a defined port only tcpdump port 80
host Capture packets from specific host tcpdump host
net Capture files from network subnet tcpdump net
src Capture from a specific source address tcpdump src
dst Capture from a specific destination address tcpdump dst
<service> Filter traffic based on a port number for a service tcpdump ‘tcp port http’
<port> Filter traffic based on a service tcpdump port 443
port range Filter based on port range tcpdump portrange 1000-2000
-S Display entire packet tcpdump -S
ipv6 Show only IPv6 packets tcpdump ip6
-d Display human readable form in standard output tcpdump -d
-F Use the given file as input for filter tcpdump -F filter.txt
-I Set interface as monitor mode tcpdump -I -i wlan0
-L Display data link types for the interface tcpdump -L
-N Not printing domain names tcpdump -N
-K Do not verify checksum tcpdump -K
-p Not capturing in promiscuous mode tcpdump -p

Logical Operators
Operator Syntax Example Description
AND tcpdump -n src and dst port 21 Combine filtering options
OR tcpdump dst && !icmp Either of the condition can match
EXCEPT tcpdump dst and not icmp Negation of the condition
LESS tcpdump Shows packets size less than 32
GREATER tcpdump >=32 Shows packets size greater than 32

Display / Output Options
Switch Description
-q Quite and less verbose mode display less details
-t Do not print time stamp details in dump
-v Little verbose output
-vv More verbose output
-vvv Most verbose output
-x Print data and headers in HEX format
-xx Print data with link headers in HEX format
-X Print output in HEX and ASCII format excluding link headers
-XX Print output in HEX and ASCII format including link headers
-e Print Link (Ethernet) headers
-S Print sequence numbers in exact format

Common protocols for filtering captures:
Ether, fddi, icmp, ip, ip6, ppp, radio, rarp, slip, tcp, udp, wlan

Common Commands with Protocols for Filtering Captures
Syntax Description
src/dst host (host name or IP) Filter by source or destination IP address or host
ether src/dst host (ethernet host name or IP) Ethernet host filtering by source or destination
src/dst net (subnet mask in CIDR) Filter by subnet
tcp/udp src/dst port (port number) Filter TCP or UDP packets by source or destination port
tcp/udp src/dst port range (port number range) Filter TCP or UDP packets by source or destination port range
ether/ip broadcast Filter for Ethernet or IP broadcasts
ether/ip multicast Filter for Ethernet or IP multicasts