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Ansible is a powerful and flexible automation tool, capable of handling many complex tasks, including modifying files. Three of the key modules that Ansible provides for file modification are lineinfile, replace, and blockinfile. The lineinfile module is used when you need to manage lines in text files. It can ensure a particular line is present …

Read More about 3 Ways to Modify Files with Ansible: lineinfile, replace, and blockinfile

In the realm of IT automation, Ansible has emerged as a powerful tool for streamlining various administrative tasks. Among these tasks, user management stands out as a common and often repetitive process. Ansible provides two primary approaches for creating users: ad-hoc commands and playbooks. This article aims to shed light on both ad-hoc commands and …

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The error message “curl: (60) SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificate” typically indicates a problem with the certificate of the server you’re trying to connect to or the certificate chain leading up to a trusted certificate authority. To establish a secure connection, curl tries to verify the server’s certificate against a list …

Read More about 4 ways to check curl: (60) SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificate

understanding user password authentication in Linux The user authentication process in Linux typically involves validating the entered credentials against the stored user information in the /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow files. When a user attempts to log in, they provide a username and password. The system then performs the following steps to authenticate the user: The system …

Read More about 2 ways to check if user account is locked or not in Linux

CIDR stands for Classless Inter-Domain Routing. It is a method used for allocating and routing IP addresses on the Internet. A /24 CIDR, such as, indicates that the first 24 bits are the network part of the address, leaving the remaining 8 bits for host addresses. Traditionally, IP addresses were divided into different classes, …

Read More about understanding network CIDR /24

Linux is designed to be a multi-user operating system, allowing multiple users to access and utilize the system concurrently. To effectively list the users on a Linux system, two powerful methods come into play: using the “cat /etc/passwd” command and using the the “getent” command. In this article, we’ll explore these methods that allow you …

Read More about 2 ways to list all users in Linux