How to list MAC address on Ubuntu Linux is a commonly asked question during a Linux job interview. Here are 3 methods to get the MAC address in Ubuntu Linux. These commands are safe to run without changing anything. Find MAC address on Ubuntu with ifconfig Get MAC address with ip link show Find MAC …
How to check Linux version is a commonly asked question during a Linux job interview. The OS version of a Linux distribution can be determined by using the command-line interface as well as a graphical user interface. In Linux, CLI is preferred over GUI as it provides more control over the OS. In this article, …
The OS version of a Linux distribution can be determined by using the command-line interface as well as a graphical user interface. In Linux, CLI is preferred over GUI as it provides more control over the OS. In this article, we will mostly focus on the command line methods which can be used to check …
Recently we got some questions from our readers about how to check file size in Linux. How can I check the size of a file in Linux? How can I find the total size of all files and folders in a directory in Linux? How can I find out how much space a directory takes …
The Python list insert() is an inbuilt method that inserts an element to the list at the specified index. All the elements after this element will be shifted to the right. The Python list insert() method doesn’t return anything. It only updates the current list. Understanding Python list insert Method All the elements after element …
Connection Reset by peer means the remote side is terminating the session. This error is generated when the OS receives notification of TCP Reset (RST) from the remote peer. Understanding Connection Reset by peer Connection reset by peer means the TCP stream was abnormally closed from the other end. A TCP RST was received and …
kubectl exec is a command-line tool for executing Kubernetes cluster commands. This article covers the kubectl exec syntax, the command actions, and frequent examples. when to use kubectl exec command Kubernetes is a container orchestrator that lets us automate deployments across multiple physical machines. Starting a shell session to a container in a Kubernetes cluster …
Kubernetes is a platform for managing containerized workloads. Kubernetes orchestrates computing, networking and storage to provide a seamless portability across infrastructure providers. we will cover the following commands in this article. kubectl exec kubectl delete pod kubectl logs kubectl apply kubectl install kubectl get kubectl config kubectl get pods kubectl edit kubectl run kubectl apply …
we can use kubeconfig configuration file to store information about different clusters, users, namespaces, and authentication mechanisms. Understanding kubeconfig A context element in a kubeconfig file is used to group access parameters under a convenient name. Each context has three parameters: cluster, namespace, and user. By default, the kubectl command-line tool uses parameters from the …
SSL certificate_verify_failed errors typically occur as a result of outdated Python default certificates or invalid root certificates. We will cover how to fix this issue in 5 ways in this article. Why certificate_verify_failed happen? The SSL connection will be established based on the following process. We will get errors if any of these steps do …