SSH protocol supports several public key types for authentication keys. The key type and key size both matter for security. We will dive into every type of SSH key today to check out which one is more secure in Linux. SSH Key Types RSA DSA ECDSA ed25519 Generating SSH Key File in Linux Key Generation …
Bash for loop is a commonly used statement in Linux bash script. For loop is used to execute a series of commands until a particular condition becomes false. Today we are going to learn some basic bash for loop examples. What is bash for loop? Bash-for loop is a control structure that allows you to …
SSH connection timeouts due to inactivity can be disruptive, especially when you’re working on tasks that require periodic attention to the terminal. Adjusting the SSH timeout settings can help maintain your connection over extended periods of inactivity. You will see this error on the terminal. $ timed out waiting for input: auto-logout Connection to host …
TIME WAIT state is a normal part of a TCP socket’s life cycle. It cannot and should not be avoided. TIME WAIT sockets may become an issue when there are tens of thousands active at any given time. Otherwise, smaller numbers of TIME WAIT sockets are normal. TIME_WAIT: The host waits for a reasonable amount of time …
There is no port number associated with ICMP packets. ICMP uses types and codes. The type and code combination identifies the specific message being received. The network software itself interprets all ICMP messages. Today we are going to show you if ICMP has a port number with an example. What does ICMP Stand for? What …
Linux iotop command watches IO usage information output by the Linux kernel and displays a table of current I/O usage by processes on the system. Let us learn how to sort disk read, disk write in iotop command. Iotop command shows the process ID, user, the disk read, the disk write, the swap usage, the …
Tcpdump is a very powerful packet capture tool. This artical will show you how to filter tcp Flags packets with tcpdump and why. What are Tcp Flags? Capture packets with A particular TCP Flag Capture packets with a Combination of TCP Flags What are Tcp Flags? Tcpflags are some combination of S (SYN), F (FIN), …
Tcp window scaling is a key design in tcp protocol to improve network performance. Today we will dive into this topic to see how tcp window scale works in Linux. What is tcp window scaling? Benefit of tcp_window_scaling How to Check tcp_window_scaling in Linux? How to enable tcp_window_scaling? Tips for tcp_window_scaling Example of tcp_window_scaling What …
Tcpdump is a CLI tool to capture raw network packets. This tcpdump cheat sheet covers all the basic and advanced options for tcpdump command. It is very useful for various forms of network troubleshooting. Purpose of Tcpdump This tool is mainly used for troubleshooting network problems. For example, if we can have a DNS query …
Tcpdump is a command-line packet analysis tool. We can use tcpdump to capture ssh traffic to troubleshoot connection issues and look for potential security issues on a network. What is SSH? What is the default port number for ssh? How to capture SSH traffic with Tcpdump? What is SSH? SSH, which stands for Secure …